May 5, 2013

Day 5 {Profess Your Love for a Blog Friend}

Hey, I blogged TWO days in a row. I just gave myself a pat on the back, don't worry. Thanks, Jenni for giving me the kick in the pants I needed! I love this Blog Every Day in May series!!

Day 5's prompt is: Profess your love for a blogger friend.

Oh man I could write SUCH a long post about all my fabulous friends I've met through blogging. As I grow older, I've realized how HARD it is to find/keep/make friends. You really start to realize who your TRUE friends are, and really start to cherish the ones that are.

Never ever ever (EVER) did I think I would start a blog & make friends (say whaaat?!) online. I mean, if you would've told me that I'd meet some of my most favorite people through blogging, I would've slapped you right in the face, ya big liar! ;)

Seriously...I could make a list of about 20 people I either text (Heather & Nic I'm talking to you my texty besties), call to cry with, Facetime for hours with, have gone to visit out of state, GChat, or that have stayed at my house (ahem, Jen)! ALL OF WHOM I MET THROUGH BLOGGING!! It blows my mind. I mean, these girls are the real deal, people. All of the friends I've made through blogging make my heart so happy.

I'll try and narrow it down to just one today though!  

This girl, thoug. This girl is the shiz. 
I started reading her blog a little bit before I met her in real life. I found a post she wrote about her marriage, and through her writing, I instantly felt connected to her. I read & read & read through pretty much all of her posts after that (which I pretty much NEVER do with blogs), and instantly felt a connection to her. Is that weird? Maybe so. But sometimes, you just get something from someone & you can't explain why.

When I finally met Brittany {LoveStitched} at a Shine Project Event last year, I was so excited! We instantly hit it off. We drove around like mad in her car trying to do good deeds. Lots & lots of fun was had. She was just so dang sweet....which is super hard to come by for me--with girls in general.

Since then, we've had lots of girls nights that included waaaay too much sushi, crazy photo booth pics, and stuff I really can't even mention (hehe). We just along so well, and can laugh & talk about pretty much anything. She is also SUPER DUPER patient with me (ahem..late posts), when she should yell at me for being so flaky! :) 

Remember that one time we went to that movie & we made that married guy feel super awkward? Ya..that was the tits. :)

Her talents are seriously endless. She's crafty, fashionable, sweet, funny, and has been through some SERIOUSLY rough stuff. She always manages to stay positive, and see the bright side of things - - even when I can tell it's SO HARD for her to. She is crazy amazing, this one. Just when I think I'm having such a horrible day, she will text me & brighten my day. That's when you can tell someone is truly beautiful. They have all this crazy stuff going on in THEIR life, but they always take time out to make sure YOU'RE doing ok. I mean..I just adore her to bits!

Remember that time we bought matching wallets & thought we were so cute? Ya we totally are.

We've both been suuuuuper busy lately, and both have so much going on, but we WILL get together soon...right, B?! Before your birthday this year, maybe?? ya!!


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  1. So sweet! I agree, true friendships are hard to find.

  2. uummm hi, I am totally speechless right now! you actually have me teary eyed! This post is so sweet and I can not believe you picked ME to talk about! I feel famous or something ;) I am SO happy we met that rainy day in the park {insert romantic music here} and have become such great friends! I value your friendship so much and even though we haven't been able to see each other as much lately I think about you ALL THE TIME! Love ya tons doll face! THANK YOU you totally made my day! xoxox
    ps - I am so glad I have you fooled into thinking the way you do about me ;) heheh

  3. So precious. Blog friends are truly the best!


I seriously A D O R E each of your comments!! Your feedback & love make my heart happy!


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