Day 8 - - A piece of advice you have for others.
Oh man, you guys...I'm so wise. It's just cray-zay. All this knowledge floating around in my head is just exhausting to carry around, I tell ya! My friend Britt asked me the other day if I had any tips for her on being a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom). I thought that might be a fun little topic for those of you who are already...or maybe someday will be.
{IT IS A JOB} This is the most important/amazing/tiring/exhausting/rewarding/fun/fulfilling job you will ever have. No really. It. is. the. best.
{HOBBIES} Make sure you have something else to do in your free time (yes, it's possible to have free time - helloooo naptime!). It can seem like your life is ALL about the kids, but you WILL go crazy if you don't have another outlet. Mine include jewelry making, blogging, running, boxing, painting, etc...
Do I always have time to do everything I want to? Obviously no. But when you can...
{SUPPORT NETWORK} Hopefully, you have some sort of support network around you. I could NOT do all the things I want to do without the support of my hubby. And my family. They are life savers.
Also, my friends are my angels. If you don't have friends in your neighborhood, try and find some close to you. Join a playgroup. For the love of everything..FIND a playgroup! :) My neighborhood is not the friendliest, so I've really struggled with this one since moving here. I've had to travel a little further usually to make these playdates happen. But it's sooooo worth it!!! Make playdates often, get out of the house, and chat with your friends. It relieves SO MUCH stress for me just to have a sounding board. Trust me - the kids play, you chat about anything & everything. It's a WIN/WIN.
{SENSE OF HUMOR} Sometimes, you will want to pull your hair out. Really. You have to..I mean HAVE TO..have a sense of humor about this new life. I went from working from the time I was 16 to all of a sudden, not working at all and devoting my life/time to this wonderful little creature. Some days are better than others, obviously.
Yesterday when he threw his cereal bowl across the kitchen, after I had JUST cleaned it, I wanted to...well...lets just say I wasn't happy. But then I looked at him with cheerios and bananas all over his head and face, and I just couldn't be mad. We both laughed and laughed, and I had him help me clean up the mess (as best he could). It's worth it to laugh...A LOT.
{ENJOY EVERY MOMENT} This one is hard for me at times. I get wrapped up, if I'm being honest, in the "what I could/should be doing", while I'm doing laundry, picking up crap off the floor, and getting covered in food all day. But really, I wouldn't change it for anything. Would I rather work than stay at home with this baby & miss all those awesome moments? Absolutely not. (By the way I'm not hating on Moms who work at ALL--that is amazing too!). Just try to enjoy each moment. They're only little once.

I have 2 months until I get my promotion as a SAHM and these are great tips! I have already thought about the importance of hobbies and can't wait to see what motherhood and staying home has in store for me :). Luckily I live in a very mommy/kid centric neighborhood and plan on joining some groups so I dont feel lost
ReplyDeleteOh you are THE best Jenna! Thank you so much for all of the advice! I'm working on getting into a playgroup at the moment! I think that's the most important thing. And the support, that is key. Joel is home with me for the next 6 weeks, and I don't think I could do it without him. You are such a good mommy, so glad you made a post on this! Thank you sweet friend :)
ReplyDeleteOh you are THE best Jenna! Thank you so much for all of the advice! I'm working on getting into a playgroup at the moment! I think that's the most important thing. And the support, that is key. Joel is home with me for the next 6 weeks, and I don't think I could do it without him. You are such a good mommy, so glad you made a post on this! Thank you sweet friend :)
ReplyDeleteThis post definitely sums up how it is being a SAHM! I was lucky enough to be a SAHM for a little over two years with my son before I found a part time job. I really miss being able to stay at home with him, because it really is the best and most rewarding job there is. This month will be my last month working and I am so glad!
ReplyDeleteAs a new mom, this is all great advice. I've been a stay at home wife (circumstances), but now that I feel my identity revolves around my boobs and poop, it's nice a nice reminder that I need to enjoy this time and find a life of my own in the mix, too!